Plenty of things you can change if you want to customize your Desktop color, wallpaper, cursor size, etc, but hold on, because what you want to click on to fix your Recycle Bin mystery isn’t actually visible.

Scroll down a bit instead and find this option near the bottom of the Window: Finally, that’s what you want. Click on “Desktop icon settings“, and here you’ll be in an old-school preferences window, but you can see where it’s easy to enable or hide the recycle bin:

Simply click the checkboxes associated with the “Recycle Bin” and anything else you’d like to have show up on your Desktop. And yes, most people don’t know, but you can also have a “Control Panel” icon available too if you like to fiddle with settings and preferences.

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And that’s it. Click “Apply” and your Recycle Bin will reappear on your Desktop.

Windows Xp Recycle Bin Icon Download Free

Let’s Stay In Touch!

I do have a lot to say, and questions of my own for that matter, but first I'd like to say thank you, Dave, for all your helpful information by buying you a cup of coffee!